Autumn-Winter 2024-2025 Ready-to-Wear Show

Online on February 27th at 3.00 p.m. (GMT+1)
For this Dior autumn-winter 2024-2025 ready-to-wear show, Maria Grazia Chiuri has reflected on the transitional era of the late 1960s, when fashion left the atelier to conquer the world. Hence the birth in 1967 of Miss Dior, a women's line that introduced ready-to-wear and was entrusted by Marc Bohan to his assistant Philippe Guibourgé.
...In the dynamic context of an increasingly complex and ever-changing society, there was a shift from the landscape of the body to that of the globe. Thus, visual culture brought together art, fashion, architecture, and music to devise a spontaneous fresco, an unprecedented form of expression. Gabriella Crespi, a fascinating source of inspiration for Marc Bohan
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© Shakuntala Kulkarni
For the Dior autumn-winter 2024-2025 ready-to-wear show dreamed up by Maria Grazia Chiuri, Shakuntala Kulkarni conceived a unique scenography at the convergence of performance and contemplation. The Indian artist unveiled nine sculptural silhouettes from the “of bodies, armour and cages” series, in dialogue with various images from the film Juloos – in which she plays the lead role. Sublimated by a spellbinding interplay of shadows, the decor reveals a powerfully luminous, immersive atmosphere, at the heart of which the symbolic strength and combativeness of the female body shine forth.

© Lara Giliberto
1967 年是 Marc Bohan 的 Miss Dior 成衣系列誕生之時。Maria Grazia Chiuri 透過 2024-2025 Dior 秋冬時裝秀打造了一場跨越兩個經典時代的奇幻之旅,向經典服飾致敬。在這場時裝秀中,Dior 元素在新時代得到重新演繹,並融入現代女性的節奏和渴望。令人難以抗拒的建築美學外觀融合訂製時裝精神和功能性,重新詮釋了 A 字版型的飄逸線條。
男士羊毛服飾以普普風格色彩呈現,創造多變的圖像組合,豹紋皮革則以微型/迷你款式呈現,並突顯滿版圖案。經典 Miss Dior 標誌以超大號印在外套和半身裙上,或變成魔幻交織的文字在襯裡中突顯。精緻的蝴蝶結為風衣和洋裝等各種款式加入點綴。流蘇、刺繡和雙面結構等精湛工藝細節為造型增添優雅氣息。所有這些設計共同打造了自信有力的穿搭,創造出美妙的普普風格訂製時裝。

© Lara Giliberto
配件延續了傳承自秀場的革新和創造性變化理念,展現 60 和 70 年代的創造力。包款提供各種樣式和尺寸,或迷你或加大、或柔軟或加入圖像設計,並點綴豹紋印花,或飾有貫穿整個系列的 Miss Dior 標誌。鞋款借用方頭 Salomés

© Sophie Carre © Sahiba Chawdhary ; Chanakya School of Crafts © Andrea Cenetiempo ; Ostinelli
Dior 2024-2025 年秋冬成衣系列的款式致敬經典而又糅合現代美感,展現品牌的極緻精湛工藝。這些單品採 gabardine 製成,飾有精緻刺繡,或點綴經典的 Miss Dior 標誌,同時融合創新技術和歷史悠久的精湛工藝。向創作自由致敬。