Ausgestellter, langer Rock
Zopfmuster aus Alpakawolle, Mohair und Wolle in Schwarz
Referenz: 514J39A4003_X9000
Ausgestellter Schnitt
Hohe Leibhöhe
Durch die Nutzung unseres personalisierten Tools erhalten Sie die optimale Größenempfehlung
Weitere Informationen finden Sie im Größenguide
Free returns within 30 days
You can return or exchange any order – in original condition – within 30 days of receiving it, unless it is a matter of a personalized item (in particular with all labels and patches attached).
For more information, please consult our FAQs.
Free standard delivery
Delivery time is estimated from the time your order is shipped. Depending on your shipping destination and the specificity of your order, Dior offers up to four rapid and secure delivery options :
- Standard Shipping (1 to 5 business days depending on the location): Free for all orders
- Express Delivery (guaranteed, overnight on business days): $25; Free for orders over $3,000
- Saturday Delivery: $35, Free for orders over $3,000, available in select locations
- Pick-up in Store: Free for all orders, available in select locations
The estimated delivery date including the preparation of your order and shipping will be determined at checkout.
Deliveries will be made Monday through Friday when placed by 4:30pm EST (12:30pm on Saturday) or the following business day when placed after. A signature will be required upon delivery.
A select number of boutiques offer our Pick-up in Store service for items ordered online. This delivery option will be offered upon confirmation of your order if the items in your basket are eligible.
Dispatch within 24 hours
Orders are prepared and dispatched Monday through Friday when placed by 4:30pm EST (12:30pm on Saturday) or the following business day when placed after.
Should any items be unavailable, the preparation time may be modified. Availability delays will be communicated.
Frequently asked questions:
Frequently asked questions: