Legal Terms and Conditions
This website (hereinafter referred to as the “Website”) is published by Christian Dior Couture, a corporation ("société anonyme") with share capital of EUR 291,125,408, listed under the Paris Trade and Companies Register under number 612 035 832, with a head office located at 30 avenue Montaigne 75008 Paris - Telephone number: +33 (0)1 40 73 73 73; Email:; VAT: FR 37 612035832 .
The Chairwoman of the Board of Directors of Christian Dior Couture and Director of Publication is Ms. Delphine Arnault.
The Website is hosted by the company SMILE, with a head office located at 20 rue des Jardins - 92600 Asnières-sur-Seine, France - Telephone number: +33 (0)1 41 40 11 00.
Access to the Website as well as the use of its content are subject to the terms of use provided hereinafter. By accessing and browsing this Website, the Internet user fully and unreservedly agrees to the following stipulations.
2.1 Ownership
Christian Dior Couture is the owner of the Website's domain name.
The entirety of the Website, as well as its components (in particular text, structure, software, animated items, photographs, videos, illustrations, drawings, graphic representations, logos, etc.) are creative works protected by articles L. 111-1 et seq. of the French Intellectual Property Code. They are the sole property of Christian Dior Couture, and Christian Dior Couture is the sole person authorised to use said intellectual property and related personality rights, brands, trademarks, models, creative works, software, databases, interpretations and image rights, whether through ownership or through a formal authorisation or license.
2.2 Sanctions
Use of all or part of the Website, particularly by means of downloading, reproduction, transmission, representation or circulation, for purposes other than personal and private use with a non-commercial aim, by the Internet user is strictly prohibited. The party liable for infringement of Christian Dior Couture's rights may be sanctioned in accordance with the provisions of the French Intellectual Property Code relating to copyright infringement (article L. 335-1 et seq.) and trademark infringement (article L. 716-1 et seq.) as well as with the provisions of the French Civil Code relating to civil liability (article 9, Sections 1382 et seq.).
2.3 Hypertext links
The creation of any hypertext link redirecting towards any one of the web pages or components of the Website without prior written authorisation from Christian Dior Couture is prohibited. Said authorisation may be withdrawn at any moment. Any such website containing hypertext links redirecting towards the Website or any one of its components are not under the control of Christian Dior Couture. Christian Dior Couture may therefore not be held liable (particularly with regard to editorial content) in relation to the access to such websites or their contents.
Christian Dior Couture undertakes to ensure the accuracy and updating of information published on the Website to the best of its ability, and reserves the right to correct content at any time and without prior notice. However, Christian Dior Couture cannot guarantee the accuracy, precision and comprehensiveness of information made available on the Website. Said information shall not constitute any guarantee or commitment by Christian Dior Couture with regard to the Internet user.
In particular, Christian Dior Couture shall not be held liable for:
- Any imprecision, inaccuracy or omission regarding the information available on the Website;
- Any damages arising from a computerised intrusion by a third party, resulting in a modification of information made available on the Website;
- And, more generally, any direct or indirect damages, irrespective of the cause, origin, nature and consequences, caused as a result of the access by anyone to the Website or inability to access the Website, as well as of the use of the Website and/or relying on any information contained directly or indirectly on the Website.
Christian Dior Couture shall implement means intended to ensure the security of the files generated from personal data collected on the Website. It is, however, formally stated that Christian Dior Couture has no control over the risks related to the operation of the Internet. Internet users are reminded of the existence of possible risks in terms of confidentiality of data transmitted across this network.
Christian Dior Couture informs Internet users accessing the Website that these legal terms may be amended at any time. Such amendments shall be published online and shall be deemed accepted without reserve by any and all Internet users accessing the Website after said amendments have been published online.
These legal terms have been drafted in accordance with French law and, in particular, with the provisions of Law no. 2004-575 dated 21 June 2004 for building confidence in the digital economy and applicable data protection legislation (in particular the French data protection act (the “Loi relative à l’informatique, aux fichiers et aux libertés n°78-17”) dated 6 January 1978 and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)). French courts shall exercise jurisdiction over any and all disputes arising from the use of the Website, without prejudice to any contrary provisions arising from Regulation no. 44/2001 dated 20 December 2000 concerning court jurisdiction and the application of rulings in civil and commercial matters (Brussels I).
Should the Internet user have any questions about the use of the Website and/or these legal terms, or should the user have any request that he/she wishes to address to Christian Dior Couture, he/she can send a message via the "CONTACT" section of the Website and/or an email to the following address:
- Objeto das presentes condições gerais de venda
Christian Dior Portugal Unipessoal LDA, com sede na Rua Castilho n°50, 1250-071, Lisboa registada no Registo Comercial de Lisboa sob o n.º 516160206, que pode ser contactada por telefone através do número +33(0)140735355 ou por e-mail (“Dior”).
A Dior cria e comercializa produtos de luxo, incluindo alta-costura, alta-joalharia, relojoaria, pronto-a-vestir, artigos de pele, decoração de interiores e de mesa, calçado e acessórios, incluindo sob as suas marcas registadas Christian Dior, Dior, Baby Dior ou CD (em conjunto, os "Produtos"). As presentes condições regulam a venda de Produtos nas boutiques Dior em Portugal.
- Restrições de Venda
Os Produtos destinam-se a ser vendidos exclusivamente a particulares que sejam clientes finais, para uso próprio ou para oferta (o "Cliente" ou "você" e "seu" devem ser interpretados em conformidade), excluindo nomeadamente as compras no âmbito de atividades profissionais e as compras por revendedores ou intermediários agindo em nome de revendedores.
Para garantir um melhor serviço e disponibilidade dos Produtos, a Dior limita o número de Produtos que podem ser comprados a:
- 8 Produtos por transação; ou
- 2 produtos idênticos, de qualquer cor e tamanho, comprados num período de 30 dias, com exceção das malas, para as quais o limite é fixado em:
1 artigo comprado num período de 30 dias; Ou
3 artigos, de qualquer linha, cor e tamanho, durante um período de 6 meses.
Os produtos para a casa e alguns produtos para homem (na categoria "Pronto a vestir" para homem: fatos, smokings, casacos, camisas e calças e, na categoria "Acessórios" para homem: cintos, gravatas, laços, clutches, botões de punho e capas de botões) estão excluídos das limitações acima referidas.
A Dior pode recusar qualquer encomenda fraudulenta, anormal ou que não respeite as limitações acima referidas. A Dior pode igualmente recusar qualquer transação com um Cliente com o qual exista um litígio relativo a uma transação anterior ou qualquer transação que viole as presentes condições gerais de venda.
- Condições de Pagamento
O preço cobrado inclui todos os impostos e taxas aplicáveis no dia da transação.
Os pagamentos são efectuados em Euros e são aceites os seguintes métodos de pagamento:
- cartão de crédito das seguintes redes: Visa©, Eurocard©, MasterCard©, American Express©, Diners©, Union Pay©, com exceção dos cartões anónimos, que são proibidos;
- cheque;
- dinheiro - até 3000 euros;
- transferência bancária, se as contas bancárias utilizadas forem aprovadas pela Dior e corresponderem à identidade do Cliente, note-se que os Produtos só serão entregues depois de a transferência ter sido recebida e validada pela Dior;
- Alipay© e pay-by-link (com condições específicas – mais detalhes poderão ser fornecidos mediante solicitação)
- Nenhum pagamento efetuado por empresa será aceite.
- A venda a menores é proibida.
O Cliente terá de apresentar um documento de identificação válido para qualquer pagamento com cartão de crédito. Os recibos e faturas serão emitidos em nome do Cliente que efectuou o pagamento.
Para qualquer pedido de reembolso de impostos será necessário o passaporte original. Para qualquer transação paga com cartão multibanco, o reembolso do imposto será realizado para o mesmo cartão utilizado para efetuar a compra.
- Propriedade dos Produtos
A Dior continuará a ser a proprietária dos Produtos até que o Cliente (ou a pessoa designada pelo Cliente) adquira fisicamente a posse dos Produtos. Até lá, o Cliente não poderá revender os Produtos, a menos que a Dior conceda uma autorização prévia por escrito.
- Entrega
Após o pagamento dos Produtos, o Cliente pode solicitar a sua entrega num endereço em Portugal especificado pelo Cliente (endereço pessoal do Cliente ou endereço de outra pessoa, para ofertas). Os custos de entrega serão comunicados pela Dior antes da validação da compra e a data de entrega será indicada na loja Dior.
O facto de a Dior não entregar os Produtos na data prevista autoriza o Cliente a rescindir a venda, depois de ter dado instruções à Dior para proceder à entrega num prazo suplementar razoável, em conformidade com o artigo 11.º do Decreto-Lei n.º 84/2021, de 18 de outubro. O atraso na entrega não confere ao Cliente o direito a qualquer indemnização se esse atraso resultar de um caso de força maior, de um caso fortuito ou de um ato (ou omissão) de um terceiro ou do Cliente.
- Disponibilidade
Os produtos que não estão disponíveis nas lojas podem ser encomendados, o que exige que o Cliente efetue um depósito, de acordo com as condições especificadas na loja. Ao efetuar a encomenda, o Cliente será informado pela loja da data prevista para a disponibilidade do Produto.
Se a encomenda não puder ser efetuada, a Dior informará o Cliente o mais rapidamente possível e a venda será então anulada, sendo o depósito pago pelo Cliente reembolsado na íntegra, através do meio de pagamento utilizado para o pagamento do depósito, exclusivamente na loja Dior onde o Produto foi encomendado.
- Política de devoluções
Os Produtos comprados podem ser devolvidos na loja no prazo de 30 dias após a sua compra, se o Cliente apresentar o documento de identificação e o recibo e se os Produtos se encontrarem novos, autênticos, em perfeito estado de origem, sem marcas de uso e, consoante o Produto, na embalagem selada e com as respetivas garantias, certificados, caixas originais e nota original de reembolso de impostos (não cobrados).
Os produtos personalizados, feitos por medida ou a pedido, bem como a alta joalharia, os fatos de banho, os brincos e os produtos sujeitos a uma emissão CITES, não podem ser devolvidos ou trocados. Qualquer produto que tenha dado origem a um reembolso de imposto (nota de reembolso de imposto carimbada pela alfândega) ou que tenha sido adquirido com isenção de impostos, não pode ser devolvido. Products can be returned to any Dior store except in Brazil, China, India, Lebanon, Kazakhstan, Mexico, Russia, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, Ukraine, Vietnam, South Korea and Indonesia.
Os produtos podem ser devolvidos em qualquer loja Dior, exceto no Brasil, China, Índia, Líbano, Cazaquistão, México, Rússia, Taiwan, Tailândia, Turquia, Ucrânia, Vietname, Coreia do Sul e Indonésia.
Os produtos validamente devolvidos podem dar origem a:
- uma troca (sujeita a disponibilidade) - se o novo produto escolhido para substituição tiver um valor superior ao do Produto devolvido, a diferença de preço será paga pelo Cliente; se o novo produto tiver um valor inferior, a Dior emitirá uma nota de crédito nominativa ao Cliente, válida por 1 ano e apenas para as lojas próprias da Dior localizadas no mesmo país da loja que emitiu a nota de crédito. A Dior pode recusar a troca de um Produto para além de 2 trocas sucessivas; ou
- uma nota de crédito válida por 1 ano que pode ser utilizada nas lojas Dior situadas no mesmo país que a loja que emitiu a nota de crédito (exceto lojas de aeroporto).
Independentemente desta política de devolução, os Produtos beneficiam da garantia legal de conformidade e da garantia contra defeitos ocultos (artigo 12.º do DL 84/2021).
Não é possível efetuar qualquer reembolso
- Garantia Legal
O Cliente beneficia de uma garantia legal de conformidade por um período de 3 anos a contar da entrega, que lhe permite solicitar a reparação do Produto defeituoso ou obter a sua substituição, à discrição da Dior. O utilizador não terá de provar que o defeito existia no momento da entrega do Produto.
O Cliente dispõe igualmente de uma garantia contra defeitos ocultos de 3 anos após a descoberta do defeito, que lhe permite escolher entre a anulação da venda ou a redução do preço do produto. O comprador terá de provar que as condições da garantia estão preenchidas, salvo prova em contrário.
As duas garantias acima mencionadas excluem os danos nos Produtos resultantes dos seguintes acontecimentos: acidentes, manipulação ou utilização abusiva ou imprópria (choques, golpes, esmagamentos, abrasões, etc.), exposição direta e continuada aos raios UV ou a temperaturas elevadas, modificação ou reparação não autorizada ou não efetuada pela Dior, desgaste normal e envelhecimento, perda ou roubo.
- 9. Serviço de pós-venda
As condições de utilização dos serviços pós-venda estão disponíveis no website e através da seguinte ligação:
- Política de Privacidade
Tem o direito de aceder, retificar, apagar, restringir ou opor-se ao tratamento dos seus dados, contactando Para mais informações, leia a política de privacidade disponível no nosso website e acessível através da seguinte ligação:
- 11. Mediação, litígios e legislação aplicável
Em caso de conflito relacionado com a sua compra, pode procurar uma resolução amigável através do processo de Resolução Alternativa de Litígios de Consumo por via eletrónica, em conformidade com a Lei n.º 144/2015, de 08 de Setembro que transpõe a Diretiva 2013/11/UE (Diretiva relativa à resolução alternativa de litígios de consumo). Pode iniciar o processo de resolução alternativa de litígios através da plataforma específica para a respetiva resolução em: O recurso à resolução alternativa de litígios é um mecanismo alternativo que não constitui uma condição prévia para uma ação judicial.
Qualquer litígio a que estas condições possam dar origem estará sujeito à lei portuguesa e à jurisdição dos tribunais de Lisboa, exceto se forem aplicáveis outras disposições obrigatórias.
Para qualquer questão sobre os pontos acima referidos, contactar as equipas de vendas da Dior.
- Subject of these terms and conditions of sale
Christian Dior Portugal Unipessoal LDA, headquartered at Rua Castilho n°50, 1250-071, Lisboa registered at the General Commercial Register of Lisbon under no. 516160206, and can be reached by phone at +33(0)140735355 or by e-mail at (“Dior”).
Dior creates and markets luxury products, including haute-couture, haute-jewelry, watch making, ready-to-wear, leather goods, Home decoration and tableware, shoes and accessories, including under its trademarks Christian Dior, Dior, Baby Dior or CD (together the "Products"). These terms and conditions govern the sale of Products in Dior boutiques in Portugal.
- Sales limitations
The Products are to be sold exclusively to individuals who are end-customers, for their own use or for a gift (the "Customer" or "You" and “Your” shall be construed accordingly), excluding notably purchases for professional activities and purchases by resellers or intermediaries acting on behalf of resellers.
To ensure both a better service and availability of the Products, Dior limits the number of Products that can be purchased to:
- 8 Products per transaction; Or
- 2 identical Products, of any color and size, purchased over a 30-day period; excluding bags for which the limit is set to
1 article purchased over a 30-day period Or
- 3 bags, of any line, color and size, for a period of 6 months.
Products for the House and some Men’s Products (in the Men "Ready to Wear" category: suits, tuxedos, jackets, shirts and trousers and, in the Men "Accessories" category: belts, ties, bow ties, clutches, cufflinks and button covers) are excluded from the above limitations.
Dior can refuse any order which is fraudulent, abnormal or does not comply with the above limitations. Dior may also refuse any transaction with a Customer with whom there is a dispute over a previous transaction; or any transaction breaching the present terms and conditions of sale.
- Payment terms
The price charged includes all taxes and as applicable on the day of the transaction.
Payments are made in Euros and the following payment methods are accepted:
- credit card of these networks: Visa©, Eurocard©, MasterCard©, American Express©,Diners©, Union Pay© with the exception of anonymous cards which are prohibited;
- cheque;
- cash – for up to 3.000,00 euros;
- wire transfer, if the bank account used are approved by Dior and match the Customer’s identity, please note that the Products will be delivered only once the transfer has been received and validated by Dior;
- Alipay© and pay-by-link (with specific conditions - details can be provided upon request);
No payment from a company will be accepted.
Sale to minors is prohibited.
Customer will be required to show a valid form of ID for any credit card payments. Receipts and invoices will be issued in the name of the Customer who made the payment.
For any tax refund application, an original passport will be required. For any transaction paid by payment card, the tax refund will be made on the same card used to make the purchase.
- Ownership of Products
Dior will remain the owner of the Products until the Customer (or the person designated by the Customer) physically takes possession of the Products. Until that, the Client will not be able to resell the Products, unless Dior grants a prior written approval.
- Delivery
Once the Products are paid, the Customer can request their delivery to an address in Portugal specified by the Customer (Customer’s personal address or address of another individual, for gifts). The delivery fees will be communicated by Dior prior to the validation of the purchase and the delivery date will be indicated in the Dior store.
Dior's failure to deliver the Products on the scheduled date will authorize the Customer to terminate the sale, after having instructed Dior to deliver within a reasonable additional time in accordance with Article 11 of Decree-Law 84/2021 of 18 October. A delay in delivery will not entitle the Customer to any compensation if such delay results from a force majeure event, a fortuitous case, or an act (or failure to act) of a third party or of the Customer.
- Availability
Products that are not available in stores may be ordered, which requires that the Customer makes a deposit, according to terms specified in store. When placing the order, the Customer will be informed by the store of the expected date for the availability of the Product.
If the order cannot be performed, Dior will inform the customer as soon as possible and the sale will then be cancelled and the deposit paid will be immediately refunded to the Customer in full, on the payment mean used for the transaction, exclusively in the Dior store where the Product was ordered.
- Return policy
The Products purchased can be returned in store within 30 days of their purchase, if the Customer shows an original ID and the receipt, and if the Products are new, authentic, in a perfect state of origin and not worn, and, depending on the Product, in their sealed packaging and with their guarantees, certificates, original boxes and original tax refund note (not collected).
Products which are personalized, custom-made or on-demand, as well as high jewelry, swimsuits and earrings, and Products subject to a CITES issuance, cannot be returned or exchanged. Any Product that has given rise to a tax refund (tax refund note stamped by customs), or has been purchased duty free, cannot be returned.
Products can be returned to any Dior store except in Brazil, China, India, Lebanon, Kazakhstan, Mexico, Russia, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, Ukraine, Vietnam, South Korea and Indonesia.
Products validly returned may give rise to either:
- an exchange (subject to availability) – if the new product chosen as a replacement has a greater value than the returned Product, the price difference will be paid by the Customer; if the new product has a lower value, Dior will issue a nominative credit note to the Customer, valid for 1 year and only for Dior's own stores located in the same country as the store that issued the credit note. Dior can refuse to exchange a Product beyond 2 successive exchanges; or
- a credit note valid for 1 year which can be used in Dior stores located in the same country as the store which issued the credit note (excluding airport stores).
Regardless of this return policy, the Products benefit from the legal warranty of conformity and from the warranty against hidden defects (Article 12 Decree-Law 84/2021).
No refund is possible.
- Legal warranties
You benefit from a legal warranty of conformity for a duration of 3 years from the delivery, allowing you to have the defective Product repaired or to obtain its replacement, upon Dior’s discretion. You will not have to prove that the defect existed at the time the Product was delivered.
You also have a warranty against hidden defects of 3 years after the discovery of the hidden defect, allowing you to choose between cancelling the sale or reducing the price of the Product. You will have to prove that the conditions for the warranty are met, unless proven otherwise.
The two aforementioned warranties exclude damage to the Products resulting from the following events: accidents, abusive manipulation or use, or improper use (shocks, blows, crushes, abrasions, etc.), direct and continued exposure to UV or high temperatures, modification or repair not authorized or not performed by Dior, normal wear and ageing, loss or theft.
- 9. After-sale services
Terms of use of the after-sale services are available on our website and thanks to the following link:
- Privacy policy
You have the right to access, rectify, delete, restrict or object to the processing of your data, by contacting For more information, please read our privacy policy on our website, accessible via this link:
- 11. Mediation, disputes and applicable law
In case of difficulty related to your purchase, you can seek an amicable solution through the alternative dispute resolution process for the resolution consumer disputes via electronic means in accordance with the Law nº 144/2015, of 08 September transposing Directive 2013/11/EU (Directive on consumer ADR). You may launch the alternative dispute resolution procedure through the dedicated platform for the resolution of such disputes in accordance with this framework available at:
The use of alternative dispute resolution is an alternative mechanism that is not a precondition for legal action.
Any dispute to which these conditions may give rise will be subject to Portuguese law and the jurisdiction of the courts of Lisbon, unless otherwise mandatory provisions are applicable.
For any question on the above points, please contact your Dior sales teams.
1. These General Terms and Conditions govern the After-Sales Services (hereinafter "After-Sales Services" or "Services") provided by the company Christian Dior Couture which manages the store in which the Customer's request for assistance is made (hereinafter "Dior").
2. Upon delivery of the product to Dior by the Customer (or any person authorised by the Customer, in writing, to do so in the Customer's name and on the Customer's behalf), Dior, in conjunction with the Customer, shall photograph and analyse the product, identifying all visible signs (including but not limited to tears, pre-existing damage, soiling, etc.). All visible signs were duly noted on the form signed electronically by the Customer upon delivery of the product (hereinafter the "CARE Form") and documented by taking photographs, which were viewed by the Customer and reproduced on the After-Sales Service Form. The After-Sales Services that the Customer has asked Dior to perform are also described in this CARE Form, which the Customer will receive by email or, on request, in paper format.
3. The product is deemed to be delivered to Dior without any loose or attached items. In this respect, Dior is not responsible for (i) any objects attached to the product or loose (e.g. those left in pockets) that were not detected during the aforementioned analysis of the product nor for (ii) any damage resulting from or caused by the aforementioned objects.
4. The product is sent to the workshop or to their place of manufacture to be examined in detail by Dior's craftsmen and experts. They will determine whether the defect or problem that led the Customer to request After Sales Services is covered by the warranty, the feasibility of repair where this option has been chosen by the Customer, the estimated timeframe to carry out the repair and, where the defect or problem is not covered by the warranty, the estimated cost to carry out the Services. Where this information differs from the information provided in the above form, the Customer will be informed as soon as possible and if the Customer ultimately incurs costs or expenses in excess of those estimated in the above form, the Customer will be provided with a quotation which must, if accepted by the Customer, be confirmed by return email with the words "Agreed to quotation no. [quotation no.]" before the Services can be performed. If the Customer refuses the new conditions, the Dior store that made the request for After-Sales Services will contact the Customer as soon as the product is ready for collection so that the Customer can collect it (or have it collected) from the said store.
5. The Client understands and accepts that even when the product and the Services have been indicated as covered by the warranty in the above form, the craftsmen and experts may, in particular with regard to the deteriorated condition of the product, find that the product has not been used normally and that the warranty is therefore void. In this case, the Customer will be informed in writing and the procedure will be as described in Article 4 above. If the craftsmen and experts confirm that the product is covered by the warranty but indicate that the product cannot be restored, the Customer will be offered a full or partial refund or replacement, suggested to him/her in writing. For more information on legal warranties, the Customer is requested to consult the Dior general terms and conditions of sale available in the stores as well as articles L.217-3 to L.217-20 of the French Consumer Code relating to the legal warranty of conformity and articles 1641 to 1649 of the French Civil Code relating to the warranty against hidden defects.
6. Dior will make all reasonable efforts to ensure that all After Sales Services are performed to the highest possible standards.
7. Both, in the event that Dior performs After-Sales Services and that Dior and its craftsmen and experts have determined that the product is not repairable, Dior will contact the Customer (first by telephone and then, if the Customer does not respond, by e-mail) to inform the Customer that the product is ready for collection in the same store where the request for After-Sales Services was made. The Customer must collect the product within 3 months of such notification. If the product is not collected within 3 months of Dior's first written notice, Dior will send a second written notice to the Customer, by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt (to the address indicated on the CARE Form) informing the Customer that if the product is not collected by the end of a new period of 15 months from the first presentation of this registered letter constituting the second notice, Dior will be able to dispose of the product in any way whatsoever (including by destroying it and, where possible, recycling it). In fact, any delay in collecting the product after the expiry of this second collection period causes prejudice to Dior because of the costs incurred for the custody and maintenance of the product. By signing these general terms and conditions of After-Sales Services, communicated to the Customer at the time of dropping off of the product and before signing the CARE Form, the Customer expressly acknowledges and accepts that, by way of derogation from the law of 31 December 1903, Dior may dispose of the product that has not collected within the allotted time period, without the Customer being able to claim any compensation whatsoever from Dior.
8. The product can be collected by the Customer by presenting a copy of the CARE form and/or, if applicable, the final quotation, accompanied by his/her identity document. The Customer may also use a proxy document, which was sent to him/her by email at the same time as the After Sales Service Form and these general terms and conditions, to appoint a person authorised to collect the product on his/her behalf (hereinafter the "Designated Person"). To collect the product, the Designated Person must present the proxy form, duly completed and signed by the Customer, a copy of the After Sales Service Form and, if applicable, the final quotation, duly signed by the Customer, a copy of the Customer's identity document and his/her own identity document.
9. In all cases where the warranty has been declared void, all amounts due for the After-Sales Service that have not been paid in full at the time of collection of the product must be paid at once on the day of collection of the product. Otherwise, the product will not be returned to the Customer. The Customer is not entitled to any refund on the After-Sales Service unless he/she can prove that the Service was incorrectly rendered (repair not carried out or incorrectly carried out, replacement by a different product without the Customer's agreement).
10. Dior attaches great importance to the protection of its intellectual property rights and to compliance with the law. As a result, Dior does not repair products that violate any law or regulation, particularly when they have been identified as stolen or counterfeit. Furthermore, by signing these general terms and conditions of use of the After-Sales Services, the Customer authorises Dior, whenever the circumstances justify it (i) to keep the infringing products with a view to destroying them and, where possible, recycling them and/or for the purposes of investigations, in particular judicial investigations and/or, where applicable, as evidence against the perpetrator of the infringement or breach of a law or regulation and (ii) to communicate the Customer's personal data to the competent authorities if Dior is obliged to do so by law or by these same authorities. Buying Dior products in Dior stores and from its authorised distributors is the best way to ensure the authenticity of a Dior product.
11. These general terms and conditions of use of the After-Sales Services are governed by French law. In the event of a dispute concerning the After-Sales Services, the Customer may seek an amicable solution by contacting us by email or telephone or contact the consumer ombudsman of the Centre de Médiation et d'Arbitrage de Paris (CMAP [Paris mediation and arbitration centre]), by filling in the dedicated form on the website, by sending his/her request by post to CMAP Médiation Consommation, 39, avenue Franklin D. Roosevelt, 75008 PARIS or by email to Recourse to mediation is an alternative dispute resolution mechanism, which is not a prerequisite for taking legal action. The Client may therefore take legal action against Dior without having had recourse or attempted to have recourse to mediation. In the absence of an amicable solution or recourse to mediation, all disputes relating to these general terms and conditions shall be submitted to the competent court in application of the rules laid down by the French Code of Civil Procedure and the French Consumer Code. The Customer may file a lawsuit in the courts of (i) the place where Dior is domiciled; or (ii) the place where the Customer is domiciled; or (iii) the place where the After Sales Services are performed.
Regulation (EU) 2016/679: General Data Protection Regulation.
Dior, which manages the store in which the after-sales service request was made, as the data controller, will process the data of the Customer (e.g. surname, first name, phone number, personal address, e-mail address, copy of identity document) in order to process and follow up the Customer's after-sales service request.
The personal data of the Customer will be kept for the period strictly necessary for the proper processing of the Customer's request and any complaints, and in accordance with the privacy policy available in stores and on the website, after which the personal data will be deleted or made anonymous.
Please note that by sending an email to, the Customer will always be able to access, update and delete his/her personal data, revoke or change his/her consent and receive or request the transfer of his/her data to another controller. In addition, the Customer may object at any time to the processing of his/her personal data, in particular for marketing purposes or for analysing his/her preferences where the Customer has given specific consent. The Customer will also have the right to lodge a complaint with the competent data protection authority or with the supervisory authority of the Member State of the Customer’s habitual residence or of the place of the alleged breach.
If the Customer needs more information, he/she is requested to read the full text of the privacy policy available in stores and on in the Privacy Policies section.
The Equality Act 2010 (Gender Pay Gap Information) Regulations 2017 require the company to publish our gender pay gap taking the snapshot date of the 5th April 2023.
Christian Dior is committed to equal opportunities and the promotion of diversity and equality in the workplace. We have a strong policy on the management of equal opportunities. Diversity and openness to others are fundamental values for us, ensuring fairness for all our employees in terms of jobs and development, by guaranteeing equal opportunities based on objective criteria. We are convinced that diversity, in all its forms, is a source of wealth and creativity for our teams.
The reports show the ‘Median’ and ‘Mean’ pay gap for the total population. In 2023, 2.4% of our population were employed at Senior Executive level which distorts the UK Mean value.
In addition, one of the Senior Executive responsibilities are not comparable to the rest of the positions within our network. Due to this, the salary and bonus of this position is not a true reflection of the gender pay gap and we have produced figures including and excluding this position.
Our higher female population is consistent within the luxury retail market and remains an objective to have a split of 40/60 male versus female with an even divide of Senior Executives for the future.
Our results show the ‘Median’ & ‘Mean’ pay gap as at the snapshot date of the 5th April 2023. Both our mean and median has decreased showing a greater parity between our gender pay.
- Mean of 11.27% in 2022 vs 5.46% in 2023
- Median of 1.97% in 2022 vs 1.4% in 2023
UK Population Male: 32% Female: 68% | UK Population (Excludes Senior Exec) Male: 32% Female: 68% | |
Mean | 5.46% | 0.42% |
Median | 1.4% | 1.4% |
In the lower quartile, the split of male versus female has improved by 23 points, a mix of 28% male & 72% female. It is noted that within this level it includes internships receiving entry level rate of pay, of which 83% are female distorting the lower quartile results.
Lower Quartile Male: 28% Female: 77% | Lower Middle Quartile Male: 34% Female: 66% | |
Mean | 8.79% | -0.23% |
Median | 10.83% | -0.14% |
Upper Middle Quartile Male: 33% Female: 67% | Upper Quartile Male: 33% Female: 67% | Upper Quartile Excl Senior Exec | |
Mean | -0.2% | 5.7% | -6.19% |
Median | 0.0% | 7.14% | 2.77% |
The mean and median gender pay gap by pay quartile remains at a minimal difference with the exception of lower and upper quartiles. The lower middle and upper middle quartile show there is parity in gender pay and represents 50% of the total population.
The upper quartile mean has reduced by 60% and the median has remained stable. With the senior executive noted previously removed we reach a stronger gender pay comparative.
Bonus is a contractual benefit for management and head office positions, those in receipt of a bonus are 39% of the population for both genders. Our female demographic is 64% and this is reflected within the median & mean, the bonus allocated is equal for both genders within their employed positions.
Bonus Male: 36% Female: 64% | Bonus Excl Senior Exec Male: 36% Female: 64% | |
Mean | 9.66% | -26.95% |
Median | -75.12% | -75.12% |
Our 2023 strategy remains to give every employee the means to develop and flourish in their profession, we believe in the importance of transmission of expertise and knowledge to preserve the wealth of our employee career path. Our focus will also continue to have a balanced gender work force within all quartiles.
As UK Human Resources Director of Christian Dior UK Limited, I, Samantha Brunton can confirm that the data and information presented in this report are accurate and meet the requirements of the Equality Act 2010 (Gender Pay Gap Information) Regulation 2017.
Duly signed by Samantha Brunton, UK Human Resources Director, 2nd April 2024