
Sauvage is an act of creation inspired by wide-open spaces. A composition marked by a raw freshness, powerful and noble all at once.

Sauvage is an act of creation inspired by wide-open spaces. A composition marked by a raw freshness, powerful and noble all at once.


The iconic freshness of Sauvage, enhanced and prolonged by the power of water.
Туалетная вода
Intensity Medium
Парфюмерная вода
Intensity Strong
Sauvage  - Parfum
Intensity Very strong
Эликсир — Пряные, Свежие и Древесные ноты
Intensity Very strong


Bath & Shaving

Дезодорант спрей
Лосьон после бритья
Бальзам После Бритья — Увлажняет И Смягчает
Гель Для Бритья — Защищает Кожу От Раздражения
Гель Для Душа — Очищает и Освежает

Exceptional Piece

Born from fire, water, earth, and air combined with the unparalleled expertise of the artisans at Baccarat.

Each bottle is crafted by the expert hands of the glassmakers at the renowned French crystal house, Baccarat.