The Science of Reverse Aging
Guided by an innovative spirit since Dior skincare was introduced in 1967, the aim of Dior Science is to make the ultimate dream a reality: extending beauty over the years. This leitmotiv is based on three essential pillars.
Is it Possible to Reverse the Course of Biological Time?

The Complex Process of Aging
Aging is a natural, progressive process that can be defined as the loss of physiological integrity, reducing the amount of time spent in good health. This bodily decline increases our vulnerability to various age-related illnesses, and as the years go by, it can be seen on our faces.
Today, more than ever, the scientific community is seeking to slow down, stop or even reverse these effects. Reverse Aging now makes this dream possible, thanks to the commitment of every expert in the field: the science of longevity is making major advances and is already a great source of hope.
Every person can be characterized by their age, as everyone knows the definition. Yet few are aware that there are actually 2 ages:
This is determined by the date of birth, and reflects personal aging. It is invariable and irreversible.
Biological age is a measure of the body’s overall health, which may not correspond to chronological age. It is influenced by environmental factors and lifestyle. A measure of the body’s overall health, which may not correspond to chronological age.
The Beginnings of Reverse Aging
The 2013 scientific publication by Lopez-Otin et al., updated in January 2023, is a key reference for the science of Reverse Aging. It describes 12 biological markers at the root of aging, including chronic inflammation (inflamm'aging), stem cell depletion and telomere shortening. Although these markers are sometimes interdependent, they can be used to gauge the progression of a body’s biological age.
For several decades, Dior Science researchers have been working on several of these biological markers of aging to infuse Reverse Aging into increasingly expert formulas. Learn more about their commitment to Reverse Aging to prolong skin’s health and beauty.

More Than Twenty Years of Research on Reverse Aging
For over 20 years, Dior researchers have been studying the biological markers of aging. Their worldwide discoveries, often the result of collaborations, have led to major advances in the field.

Creation of a Unique Scientific Board
To meet the challenge of extending skin health and beauty over time, Dior Science has assembled 18 of the world’s leading experts in the science of aging to form the Reverse Aging Board and to work hand in hand with the 600 employees in its research department. This revolutionary event is a testament to unprecedented scientific endeavor, and marks a major advance in the fight against the visible effects of aging.
With several decades of steadfast research and the accumulation of over 300 patents, Dior Science and LVMH have paved the way for a scientific triumph over the passage of time.

Professeur associé au CiRA (Centre de recherche et d'application sur les cellules IPS) à l'Université de Kyoto, Japon
Professeur de médecine à Harvard Medical School, Directeur de la médecine REDOX au Brigham Women’s Hospital (BWH), Boston, Etats Unis
Cofondatrice et PDG d'Oviva Therapeutics. Directrice de la santé des femmes chez Cambrian Bio, Los Angeles, Etats Unis
Pr. Nicola NERETTI
Professeur associé de biologie dans le département de biologie moléculaire, de biologie cellulaire et de biochimie à l'Université de Brown, Rhode Island, Etats Unis
Professeure à l'Université Catholique de Louvain (UCL), Maitre de recherche FNRS à l'Institut de Duve, Belgique
Professeur associé au Buck Institute, Directeur du projet 1000 Immunomes à l’université de Stanford, Californie, Etats Unis
Dr Patricia Ogilvie

Dermatologue, Fondatrice de la clinique SkinConcept Ă Munich, Allemagne
Professeur associé au département de recherche de l’université de Stanford, Membre de l’institut de recherche biologique sur les cellules souches et la médecine régénérative, Stanford, Etats Unis
Dr. Zhe JI
Dermatologue, Directrice générale de Ping An human health, Membre général du comité de dermatologie de la CNMIA (chinese non-government medical insitutions association), Shanghai, Chine
Pr. Kelvin J.A DAVIES
Professeur distingué de gérontologie, de biologie moléculaire et informatique, biochimie et médecine moléculaire à l’université de Californie du Sud, Los Angeles, Etats Unis
Dr. Meng C.WANG
Professeur au Baylor College of Medicine, chercheuse au Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Houston, Texas, Etats Unis
Dermatologue, Los Angeles, Etats Unis, Co auteur de l’ « Atlas de couleur et synopsis pour les peaux de couleur »
Pr. George CHURCH
Professeur de génétique à Harvard Medical School, Professeur de sciences et technologies de la santé à l’université de Harvard et au MIT, Boston, Etats Unis. Directeur de Personalgenomes.org
Professeur de biochimie et de physiologie, Directeur du Center of Healthy Longevity au National University Health System (NUHS) de Singapour.
Pr Junping GAO
Professeur au Collège d'horticulture de l'Université agronomique de Chine, Pekin
Pr Charles DAVIS
Professeur de biologie organismique et évolutive, Université de Harvard. Conservateur des plantes vasculaires et Directeur de l’herbarium d’Harvard, Université de Harvard, Boston, Etats Unis
Pr. Johan AUWERX
Professeur à l'Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Directeur du Laboratoire de physiologie intégrée et systémique (LISP), Suisse
Pr. Nancy ETCOFF
Psychologue à Harvard Medical School et au Massachussets General Hospital: directrice du programme d’esthétique et du bien-être. Boston, Etats Unis. Auteur du livre “Survival of the Prettiest : The Science of Beauty”
On June 26 and 27, 2023, the members of the Reverse Aging Board met for the first time in Paris to push the boundaries of skin regeneration together. With this board, Dior is embracing a unique approach to reversing aging by including the social sciences and the psychology of aging, complementary areas of study that cannot be separated from basic science, floral science and skin science.

Floral Science
The House of Dior was built on the love of women and flowers: Christian Dior drew inspiration, strength and happiness from his gardens, from Granville to La Colle Noire.
The Dior Gardens
Dior is establishing gardens around the world to produce chemical-free ingredients. Located in carefully selected areas, these gardens are oases of biodiversity where nature thrives in harmony and sustainable farming methods are used. Rare flowers such as the Rose de Granville and the mallow flower are cultivated with love and care for the environment.

The Flowers of Dior
After 30 years of research, Dior has identified 6 flowers with exceptional properties and qualities, and then analyzed their skincare potential to transfer it to the skin.

Scientific Collaborations
Collaboration is the heart of excellence at Parfums Christian Dior. We firmly believe in the importance of working hand in hand with leading research institutions that are true pioneers in their respective fields to advance the science of skin health.
Center for ips Cell Research and Application, Kyoto University
In 2019, Dior Science entered into a partnership with CiRA at Kyoto University. Headed by Professor Shinya Yamanaka—winner of the 2012 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine and a stem cell specialist—CiRA explores, among other things, the reprogramming potential of skin stem cells.

Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Affiliated with Harvard Medical School

Brigham and Women’s Hospital (BWH) is a Harvard Medical School teaching hospital that boasts over 4,600 researchers, including more than 1,300 MD/PhDs, and ranks second in National Institutes of Health funding for independent hospitals. Since 2022, Dior Science has been working with Vadim Gladyshev, Director of Redox Medicine at BWH, to reverse the cellular mechanisms of skin aging.
“A recent and striking realization in the field of aging is that not only can it be slowed down, but organisms can also be partially rejuvenated, meaning that their biological age can actually be reduced.” Vadim Gladyshev, Professor of Medicine.
College of Horticulture, China Agricultural University

Professor Gao is a renowned rose expert, supported by an experienced team that specializes in functional genomics and phytochemistry. In collaboration with Dior Science, he has shown that the Rose de Granville possesses a unique genetic signature and molecular defense mechanism, which explains its extraordinary resilience compared with other roses.
Labskin Creations, France
LabSkin is a French start-up that produces skin models using a patented 3D bioprinting technology. Unlike most in vitro tests, this model mimics the various skin interactions with active ingredients on many levels. This collaboration has notably resulted in the creation of an exclusive bioprinted skin model that reproduces chronic skin inflammation (inflamm'aging).